National Hurricane Center

Travel Insurance

hurricane winds blowing palm trees on a beach

So, you’ve had your vacation planned for months now. But after taking days off from work and making travel arrangements, your plans to spend a week in the Bahamas quickly goes South when you realize a tropical storm is scheduled to hit that week. The good news is that your hard-earned money doesn’t have to go to waste. This is where travel insurance comes in.

What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

Trip Cancellation: This covers all pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses such as air fare, hotel or tour packages. Covered reasons for cancellation include

Trip Interruption: Similar to Trip Cancellation, this covers any of the above complications if they cause your trip to be cut short. Your insurance will reimburse you for the missed portion of the trip as well as additional costs in the event that you must leave early.

Medical Expenses: This covers any expenses for medical care required while on vacation.

Emergency Evacuation: This covers any transportation expenses for an evacuation involving emergency hospital care.

Lost or Stolen Baggage: This will reimburse you for any property losses due to lost or stolen luggage.

Baggage Delay: This will cover costs of items needed while awaiting delayed baggage.

Travel Delay: This covers any necessary expenses due to travel delays including extra hotel stays and meals.

Rental Car Damage: This covers damages to a rental car in the case of an accident.

What Does Travel Insurance NOT Cover?

Travel Insurance Tips for Hurricane Season






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